A Creative Programming Agency for the Financial and Banking Sector
Since 2024, we’ve been based out of Munich and have helped various clients in the financial and banking industry across Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands with all of their specific needs. Whether you have a demand for staffing to create new or revise existing code in COBOL, are looking for project management or managed services, RetroCode is the right choice to partner with you.
We strive to be the market leader in Cobol application development by preserving the strengths of the traditional Cobol world while enabling seamless integration into the modern technology landscape. Our focus is not only to maintain legacy applications, but also to modernize them in an effective and future-oriented way to offer companies a smooth transition into the digital era.
High Quality Custom Development in COBOL at Affordable Rates, Project Management and Managed Services
Project Management
Loads of Experience
At RetroCode, we understand how important it is to create a meaningful and lasting connection with users. Our Project Management services are available and customizable to suit whatever your needs may be, helping to place your platform a step ahead. Call us today to find out how we can give your digital presence the boost it demands.
Contact us today and see what we can do for your business needs.
"It has been a real pleasure to work with RetroCode to initially review a large part of our banking platform that needed an major update. Since then RetroCode has also provided managed services at affordable rates to manage the solution. We will continue to use RetroCode as our key service provider for our evolving business needs."
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